Empowering DeFi swapslike it’s no big dealEmpowering DeFi swapslike it’s no big deal
The YAD Swap router

Take a look at our GitBook documentation and knowledge base, where you'll find detailed information on how the router works and how it creates a seamless swapping experience.
YAD is a next-generation multichain swap router, uniting liquidity across various blockchains and offering a seamless swapping experience for digital assets, all within a witty and whimsical platform.
Our smart routing algorithm scans multiple DEXs and liquidity sources to find the most favorable exchange rates and minimal fees, making your DeFi adventure more efficient and cost-effective.
YAD employs advanced security measures and follows industry best practices to ensure the safety of your assets throughout the swapping process, keeping your DeFi exploits worry-free.
Absolutely! YAD offers a user-friendly router widget and a powerful API, allowing you to easily integrate our multichain swap router into your platform or dApp, elevating the user experience and DeFi liquidity access.
YAD currently supports 7 major blockchains, with plans to expand its multichain functionality, making it an ever-evolving and versatile hub for your DeFi escapades.